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Location: Wisconsin, United States

"There is a secret set within each of our hearts...It is simply the desire for life as it was meant to be... Seasons may pass until it surfaces again. And though it seems to taunt us, and may at times cause us great pain, we know when it returns that it is priceless. For if we could recover this desire, unearth it from beneath all other distractions, and embrace it as our deepest treasure, we would discover the secret of our existance." -John Eldredge, The Journey of Desire

Friday, March 31, 2006


Sunlight filters
Slow and soft and sure
He wonders if I'm ready
Slow growth can be solid - savored after years of dark
     My heart imprisoned.

(Always in that prison, he visited
     -regardless of his own confinement
Reaching out with joy and hope
Assuring me valor does exist.)

I stretch in the open air, smile, breathe deep
Nibble at the future.
Contemplate the prince, his leaving.
Does he stay or go? I know not.
His destiny, his own.

Friendship at the core, means freedom.
Regardless of locale, gold rings
     (or overheating cars)
Our lives a history entwined, a future free to paint
What will God bring? I trust, his journey, sure.

Doors are firmly closed, shut down, a resounding crack.
Another door, always, always open.
I walk through into sunlight -
Not carried over the threshold, as a damsel
     -helpless and small
But I WALK, with sure feet, knowing his heart is pure
I extend my hand - walk forward with me
(Two souls speak, a language similar. A dialect born of chafing bonds
and inherent rebelliousness.)

Does he walk with me?
I'll not bind his feet, or put out his light
His presence, his freedom, too valuable a thing to shut up in darkness
Nor mine own, so newly released, will he snuff out.
And so we dance.

I know, what I suspect he does not
(years of bindings leave their mark on him, while perhaps my recent freedom gives me sight)
This dance we do, is new.
He compares, contrasts, examines and looks further
(I see no point in this; a pure heart is a pure heart.)
My heart, washed with cleanser free of poison
     Recognizes freedom in his soul
Does not choose to cling but walk beside.
Carrying my own sword, to give my life for his.
I will not take without his needs met.

And still he looks, examines and compares
Finds flaws to keep him safe. Logic to protect.
Unknown women, carrying plastic swords,
     which bend and break in battle.
Does he see my sword?
     (Dented and scratched from wars, poorly chosen,
     still metal weathers time.)
Blinded by the flashing of his own, he wanders on,
     while patience feeds my heart.


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