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Location: Wisconsin, United States

"There is a secret set within each of our hearts...It is simply the desire for life as it was meant to be... Seasons may pass until it surfaces again. And though it seems to taunt us, and may at times cause us great pain, we know when it returns that it is priceless. For if we could recover this desire, unearth it from beneath all other distractions, and embrace it as our deepest treasure, we would discover the secret of our existance." -John Eldredge, The Journey of Desire

Friday, September 16, 2005

Sanity Over a 20 Year Period

This morning while I was writing, my foot, unknown to me, fell asleep. The phone rang and I stood quickly to grab it. My foot, of course, could not hold my weight, and crumpled underneath me. There was a loud "crack" and I hit the carpet, landing squarely in the hallway, wondering if I had broken my first bone.

Of course, I hadn't. It only hurts enough to make me whine now and again.

I'm under strict instructions via several friends not to analyze a thing for the next month. One went so far as to say six months. Nothing in my personal life is to be pulled apart and looked at. I have simply been told to LIVE. Apparently I'm addicted to analyzing things and it gets in my way. This is probably true. I was told to stop journaling. No books or counselors or looking at the past. For at least a month.

Isn't it enough for these people that I quit smoking a week ago?


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